Select the 10 most luminous objects in f435w
SELECT TOP 10 field_name, guo_id, ra, dec, f435w_mag FROM musewide_dr1.photometric_catalog ORDER BY f435w_mag;
Select seeing vs date for all Fields
SELECT f.field_name, f.mjd_obs, f.date_obs, qc.psf_p0, qc.psf_p1, qc.psf_method FROM musewide_dr1.fields AS f JOIN musewide_dr1.quality_control AS qc USING(field_name) ORDER BY f.mjd_obs
Select highest redshift emission line objects with a photometric counterpart
SELECT TOP 10 unique_id, ra, dec, z, sn, guo_id FROM musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_main_table WHERE guo_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY z DESC
Select spectra from the photometric catalog which are brighter than 24 mag and have no entry in the emission line catalog
SELECT guo_id, meta.spectrum_jpg, meta.spectrum_fits FROM musewide_dr1.identification_24mag_catalog JOIN musewide_dr1.photometric_catalog_meta AS meta USING(guo_id) WHERE emission_cp IS NULL
Select Ha and O3 flux from the 10 brightest Ha emission lines
SELECT m.unique_id, m.guo_id, m.ra, m.dec, m.z, ha.f_3kron AS flux_ha, o3_1.f_3kron as flux_o3_1, o3_2.f_3kron as flux_o3_2 FROM musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_main_table AS m JOIN musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_emline_table AS ha ON m.unique_id = ha.unique_id LEFT JOIN musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_emline_table AS o3_1 ON m.unique_id = o3_1.unique_id AND o3_1.ident = 'O3_1' LEFT JOIN musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_emline_table AS o3_2 ON m.unique_id = o3_2.unique_id AND o3_2.ident = 'O3_2' WHERE ha.ident = 'Ha' ORDER BY ha.f_3kron DESC LIMIT 10
Select URLs for minicubes of the 10 objects with the highest S/N in the emission line catalog
SELECT unique_id, sn, concat('https://musewide.aip.de/cutout/api/datacubes/?A=3&B=3&RA=', ra, '&DEC=', dec) FROM musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_main_table ORDER BY sn DESC