The table has 772 rows, 18 columns.
This table contains the redshift identification for objects brighter than 24th magnitude.
If you have used MUSE-Wide data in your research, please use the following acknowledgement:
This work is based on observations taken by the MUSE-Wide Survey as part of the MUSE Consortium.
and cite the following paper: Urrutia et al. 2019, A&A, 624, A141
Name | Type | UCD | Unit | Description |
guo_id | long | meta.ref |
ID in the Guo et al. (2013) CANDELS HST catalog |
ra | double | pos.eq.ra | deg |
Right Ascension (J2000) in degrees |
dec | double | pos.eq.dec | deg |
Declination (J2000) in degrees |
f435w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST ACS F435W filter |
f606w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST ACS F606W filter |
f775w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST ACS F775W filter |
f814w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST ACS F814W filter |
f850lp_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST ACS F850LP filter |
f105w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST WFC3 F105W filter |
f125w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST WFC3 F125W filter |
f160w_mag | double | phot.mag |
AB Magnitude in HST WFC3 F160W filter |
field_name | char | meta.ref |
Name of the field |
skelton_id | long | meta.ref |
Associated source in the Skelton et al. (2014) photometric catalog |
skelton_sep | double | arcsec |
Angular separation to the Skelton et al. (2014) source |
emission_cp | long | meta.ref |
Associated source in the emission line catalog |
emission_sep | double | pos.angDistance | arcsec |
Angular separation to the emssion line catalog source |
z | double | src.redshift |
Redshift of the source |
z_conf | long |
Confidence in redshift identification |