MUSE-Wide DR1 (musewide_dr1)
The first data release of the MUSE-Wide Survey.
If you have used MUSE-Wide data in your research, please use the following acknowledgement:
This work is based on observations taken by the MUSE-Wide Survey as part of the MUSE Consortium.
and cite the following paper: Urrutia et al. 2019, A&A, 624, A141
Fields (musewide_dr1.fields)
This table contains the 44 fields of the first data release of the MUSE-Wide Survey.
Quality control (musewide_dr1.quality_control)
This table contains the quality control data for the first data release of the MUSE-Wide Survey.
Exposures (musewide_dr1.exposures)
This table contains the exposures for the first data release of the MUSE-Wide Survey.
Photometric catalog (musewide_dr1.photometric_catalog)
This table contains the catalog of photometrically selected objects in the CANDELS catalog (Guo et al. 2013).
Photometric catalog metadata (musewide_dr1.photometric_catalog_meta)
This table contain the technical metadata (e. g. file names for spectra) for the photometric catalog.
This table contains the redshift identification for objects brighter than 24th magnitude.
Emission line catalog (musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_main_table)
This table contains the main table from Herenz et al. 2017.
Emission line catalog (musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_emline_table)
This table contains the emission lines from Herenz et al. 2017.
Emission line catalog metadata (musewide_dr1.mw_44fields_meta)
This table contain the technical metadata (e. g. file names for spectra) for the emission line catalog.